Very Good Zombie Flash!
This was Incredibly Gory, and Had a Great Story Behind it too! Voted 5.
Very Good Zombie Flash!
This was Incredibly Gory, and Had a Great Story Behind it too! Voted 5.
Not Bad
This Cartoon was not bad, i thought the Effects were good, and so was the Sound. Good Job!
Not to Amused My this
I didnt Find this ''a good movie''. It was Slow and Pointless. But, it was able to get passed into the Portal, which is gotta be Lucky. But anyway good luck!
If you look at a music video, most do not have a plot line. This is a music video, not a movie short. Therefore, it does not have to have a 'point.' Also, not everything has to be quick and gone in a second. Luck does not have that much of a factor in this.
Dark, Violent, Extremely Good!
This is the Second one ive seen, i might aswell see them all since there very good and Entertaining!
One of the Best Anime Used on Newgrounds
I must say, the Anime here was Great. It wasent Screwy or Messed up once, you Have some talent when it comes to Drawing. As for the Movie, i thought it was funny, and the Rabbit was Cute. Voted 5.
That was Random, but Really Funny. NO MORE SIPS.
Your Going after your 50th Portal Award Dave!
This was Really Funny! I'm Still Luaghing about some of the Things that were Said! Like ''I want Choclate Milk'', or, 'hehehehe Dicks''. This Really Made me Luagh. Voted 5 and you might have a Award here to make it your 50th!
Wow, a 50th award would be very cool indeed! I won't hold my breath; the competition on NG has gotten tough over the years. You guys are just getting too damned good...!
A Very Good Music Animation!
I Really Liked this, i liked the Music they were Playing, and the Great Animation Made There. Good Job! Voted 5! Deserved It!
Thank you very much!
It was Ok
I didnt Understand some of the Things they said, but that might of been just me. I thought the Humor was Original. Which is quite good. Voted 3.
Thank you!
Age 31, Male
United Kingdom
Joined on 9/11/04