One of the Funniest Movies on NG!
This Cartoon is Entertaining, alot! Ive seen this Many Times, and the First Time I was Luaghing for About an Hour (Literally). A very good Cartoon! Voted 5!
One of the Funniest Movies on NG!
This Cartoon is Entertaining, alot! Ive seen this Many Times, and the First Time I was Luaghing for About an Hour (Literally). A very good Cartoon! Voted 5!
I didnt Think that was Good
The Sound wasent Great, as Siad in many other Reviews. It Was also Very Boring and Not Funny.
Constructive - Improve Sound, Use Better Animation. Voted 1, Since i didnt Find it Good. But, Good Luck with This!
i had not enough time to add good animation or to make good sound. i can doo much much bettet than this. you'll see
Not Great, but not bad.
It was a Little Strange, and needed alot of Improvement.
I Really Liked That!
It was Very Short, and would of made a Cool Trailer for a Movie with a Physco Girl. I thought this Short was Cool! Please Message me every time one is Released!
I Didnt Like it
To me, it lacked Humor and Good Animation.
Strangly Protected
This is one of the Most Wierdest, Random Flashes ive Ever seen. But, it didnt Lack anything really, and the Flash Flow was Excellent, so, i voted 5 to Keep it in. Good Luck with this!
There are plenty of weirder things on the 'net - I felt this was fairly sane compared to most.
Added to my Favourites!
I Really Enjoyed this Music Animation, the Cola Cans Really Made me Luagh! The Animation Style was Carefully Chosen, With the Song and Title. I Vote 5.
Superb Animation!
I think the Flash in this Movie was Incredible, ive seen alot of Top Portal Submissions, but Havent Seen This one. Though i did get bored in parts of the Movie, the Animation was cool to Look at and I agree with the other Guy before me, this was Very Creative.
I Didnt Vote becouase i couldnt come up with a Total Score for it.
Not Much to Say
Not alot to say about this flash, but, it was Ok.
Age 31, Male
United Kingdom
Joined on 9/11/04